Modifications to my Little Bambino popcorn machine


Why make modifications to your popcorn machine? In time the Little Bambino may stop working correctly, causing popcorn to jam in the kettle. After researching this problem I made some modifications to my own popcorn machine which I'd now like to share with you.

I drilled holes into the two lids and attached ball chain to them. The ball chain then crisis-crosses and exits the machine via vent slots in the side. Using the middle slot ( front & back) prevents binding with the kettle locating frame.

The idea behind this modification is to assist the popcorn in it's exit from the kettle. A small amount of weight is added to the chain on the outside of the machine, preventing the lids from closing once popcorn has forced them open.


What is the preferred popcorn to use? I have found the more expensive gourmet popcorn does offer an advantage over conventional popcorn varieties. It pops up bigger and softer. To compliment gourmet popcorn use specialty popping oil and seasoning.

What is the best tasting popcorn to use in your Little Bambino? My favorite is the 2.5 oz popcorn packets by Great Northern. These popcorn packets utilize coconut oil for that great theater popcorn taste and smell. To reduce the salt content snip off one corner of the popcorn / seasoning side and pour the majority into your popcorn salt dispenser for later use.




~ Tips & Suggestions ~


If you make the ball chain loop modification to your Little Bambino the key to it's success is having the right amount of counter weight on the outside of the machine. If you end up with too many unpopped kernels remove some of the weight. If the popcorn jams up in the kettle add more weight. You will always have some unpopped kernels that are kicked out of the kettle when the corn that is rapidly popping.

To remove accumulated build-up on the inside of your kettle place a small amount of water in the pan and let it soak over night. In the morning empty the water and wipe the insides of the kettle clean. It's easiest to do this if the kettle has been removed from the popcorn machine.

Can you make kettlecorn in your popcorn machine? Adding a little sugar to your popcorn oil can emulate kettlecorn to a degree. The downside to using sugar is that it can burn in the pan, requiring a clean-up afterward.

Want a sweet topping? Try a mixture of brown sugar and melted butter poured onto your popcorn.

See how large of a light bulb I'm using in the first two photo's? Heat from the bulb can melt the plastic around it and then you'll be sorry! Stick with the recommended size and wattage.

Does your popcorn seem reluctant to pop? You may need to increase it's moisture content. Sprinkle some water onto a paper towel then add it to your sealed container of popcorn for a few hours prior to popping. You might also need to increase the warm up time on your popcorn machine before adding the popcorn. Your best chance for success is to use fresh ingredients. Buy your popcorn supplies from vendors who's inventory is turned over frequently.




